Binaural Beats and the Brain

Healthy Children and Binaural BeatsToday, people are searching for more holistic ways in which to become healthier – not only in body but also in mind. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, hypnosis and breathing techniques, have been proven to help strengthen a suppressed immune system and to help alter moods. Binaural beats are being added to the list of holistic techniques used to help many folks reach a preferred state of mental health.

Binaural beats are created when a different tone is played in each ear. This creates a brain response that generates the altered state. This altered state is no different from one reached from a hypnotic trance. The brain is completely relaxed and receptive.

It is important when listening to these binaural beats, that a person is very relaxed and the beats are delivered through headphones. The two opposing signals create a third beat that is recognized by the brain as a changing rhythm, and the effect on the brainwaves has to do with the frequency differences of each tone.

Discovered by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove in 1839, binaural beats are gaining greater awareness because of the healthy, natural ways in which they help people. These ways include helping folks quit smoking, lose weight, enhance their memory and creativity, and even cure headaches. Many parents are now using it for their children, as it has been known to help kids sleep, reduce anxiety, and help children become more mentally prepared for an upcoming competition.

2 responses to “Binaural Beats and the Brain”

  1. Hello, i wonder wether this also works in a EMDR treatment? Did anyone practise with this music? Would be happy to hear about…
    Best regards

  2. Hi Trude,

    While there are numerous informal and formal assessments evaluating Hemi-Sync as an adjunct with existing therapies, some of these reports are in print form (articles, case studies and books) and not yet posted online. Thankfully, there are a few reports published online, while not recent, are still informative. A quick search did reveal some interesting results regarding the use of Hemi-Sync binaural stimulating therapies alongside EMDR:

    1.) (Hemi-Sync® Journal, Vol. XVII, No. 3, Summer 2000)
    Hemi-Sync® in My Psychiatric Practice

    by Jonathan H. Holt, MD

    2.) Hemi-Sync® as a Therapeutic Adjunct
    for Treating Dissociative Identity Disorders

    by Susan B. Lindsey, M.Div.

    3.) How Whole Brain Solutions Create Optimal Functioning
    by Carolyn Ball at Whole Brain Solutions –

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